About Us
True Therapy Group consists of a team of Occupational Therapists with the common goal of enhancing our client’s quality of life. Our Occupational Therapy practice focuses on all dimensions of an individual’s life, addressing both mental and physical health goals. Our experienced team of therapists work closely with clients of all ages, from birth to end of life.
We cover a wide spectrum of services including; seating and mobility, return to work, workplace accommodation, ergonomics, mental health, coaching, children’s services, home safety and accessibility and senior’s wellness. Please see our list of Services below.
True Therapy Group is a flexible, client centered, community based private practice. Our mission is to meet our clients in their daily lives, in a comfortable environment and address their desired goals. We strive to help each of our clients improve their daily function, meaning and purpose in their lives.
We genuinely care about our clients and truly believe a new path in life can lead to a better you. If you feel we are a good fit, please reach out to us, so we can help you live your best life!

Our Services
Seating and Mobility
Assessments and Prescriptions: Walkers, Manual Wheelchairs, Power Wheelchairs, High Technology Systems, Custom and Complex Seating and Mobility Coaching and Training
Mental Health & Coaching
Anxiety and Relaxation, Self-Management Strategies, Mood and Depression Management, Grief and Loss, Sleep Hygiene, Coping Strategies, Coping with Illness and Disability and Functional Skills
Workplace Wellness
Return to Work & Work Hardening Programs, Accommodation Assessments, Occupational Skills Assessments, Job Site Analysis and Ergonomics
Children’s Services
Fine Motor Assessments and Interventions, Sensory Assessments, Handwriting, Coaching, Organizational Skills, Assistive Devices/Technology, Mental Health and Coaching for Major Life Transitions
Senior’s Wellness
Fall Prevention, Dementia Care, Cognitive Assessments and Strategies, Caregiver Training and Support, Mental Health and Coaching for Major Life Transitions
Home Safety
Accessibility Consultations, Equipment Recommendations, Home Modifications, Universal Design, Assisting you or your loved ones to remain safe at home
Clients Across Durham and GTA
Coverage Under
Extended Health Plan*
*Check with your Benefits Provider
Mobile Therapists We Come to You
Occupational Therapy for Children
Occupational therapy enables children to explore the world through meaningful play and interactions, helping them develop the life skills they need to reach developmental milestones and improve their quality of life.
Explore the options we have to start helping your child today.

Our Therapists
Sarah Timleck
Owner & Occupational Therapist
True Therapy's team of Occupational Therapists are:
Evidence based
Client centered
Excited to work with you!

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Contact Us
If you would like to book an appointment please fill out the form and we will reach out to you as quickly as possible.
We proudly work with clients in Durham Region, GTA and surrounding areas.
New clients are always welcomed and we are happy to answer any of your questions.
You can also reach us by calling